Jim’s Famous Egg Salad

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Jim (my husband) has a few recipes up his sleeve that we all love, and his egg salad is the best! We request it often. Warning: cooking hard-boiled eggs may cause your house to have a certain aroma. 😫


  • 6 hard-boiled eggs
  • Mayonnaise (quantity explained below)
  • 3 drops of mustard
  • Ground pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Potato masher (this utensil seems to hide in plain site)


  1. Prepare Eggs
    • Peel the hard-boiled eggs and add them to a mixing bowl. If you only have fewer eggs, adjust the other ingredients accordingly.
  2. Mash Eggs
    • Use a potato masher to smash the eggs to your preferred consistency. Jim likes them finely mashed, but you can leave some chunks if you prefer.
  3. Add Mayonnaise
    • For every 3 eggs, add enough mayonnaise as if you were making one sandwich. Start with a small amount and add more if needed to reach your desired creaminess. You do not want to overdo the mayo, as it can overwhelm the salad.
  4. Add Mustard
    • Add one drop of mustard for every two eggs. Adjust according to your taste. If you are not a fan of mustard, use even less.
  5. Season
    • Mix in salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Serve
    • Best served on toast, but it’s also great in sandwiches or on its own as a side dish.
    • Add spinach or spring mix for some freshness.
Egg salad

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